
covid 19 financial support.

Dear Email Owner,

We are presently offering loan to businesses and individuals affected by covid 19 at an affordable rate of 2% for long and short-term period.

Interested persons should please furnish us with the following information to qualify for a loan.

 Contact Address/country:  
 Mobile Telephone Number:  
 Loan Amount:   
 Loan Duration:   
 Alternative Email:
Transparency is what keep us on in the contest.
George Rene.

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Snowsurfer Naoto Kotsugai 小番 直人

日本海を望む霊峰"鳥海山"の麓町に生まれ育ち、一年を通して山 海にてサーフィンを楽しんでいる。現在は日本のスノーサーフィンの生みの親である田沼進三氏の元でスノーサーフィンスピリットを継承中。